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UK ABWR Reactor Pressure Vessel

The Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) is the heart of a nuclear power station. This is where the fuel is located and the nuclear fission reaction takes place, creating heat to generate steam. The picture below replicates the inside of an RPV and shows some of the key components.

The Reactor Pressure Vessel sectioned diagram with labels 1 to 20 corresponding with the list below In-core monitor housing Reactor pressure vessel support skirt Core plate Control rods Core shroud Feed water sparger Feed water inlet nozzle Steam separator Steam dryer Flanges Control rod drive mechanism housing Internal pump Fuel assembly High-pressure core flooder sparger Top guide High-pressure core flooder nozzle Low pressure flooder sparger Low pressure flooder nozzle Main steam outlet nozzle (with flow limiter) Head vent & spray nozzle
  1. Head vent & spray nozzle
  2. Main steam outlet nozzle (with flow limiter)
  3. Low pressure flooder nozzle
  4. Low pressure flooder sparger

    4. Low pressure flooder sparger

    Low pressure flooder sparger

  5. High-pressure core flooder nozzle
  6. High-pressure core flooder sparger

    6. High-pressure core flooder sparger

    High Pressure Core flooder Sparger

  7. Top guide

    7. Top guide

    Top guide

  8. Fuel assembly

    8. Fuel assembly

    Fuel Assembly

  9. Internal pump
  10. Control rod drive mechanism housing

    10. Control rod drive mechanism housing

  11. Flanges
  12. Steam dryer
  13. Steam separator

    13. Steam separator

    Steam Separator

  14. Feed water inlet nozzle
  15. Feed water sparger
  16. Core shroud

    16. Core shroud

    Core shroud

  17. Control rods

    17. Control rods

    Control Rods

  18. Core plate

    18. Core plate

    Core plate

  19. Reactor pressure vessel support skirt
  20. In-core monitor housing